Hands-on Rust: From Flappy Dragon to Flappy Bonus
· ☕ 1 min read
In association with PragProg, I've published an article on Medium explaining the steps required to extend Flappy Dragon into the Flappy Bonus game found in the book's source code.

Hands-on Rust is now available in full-color paperback and e-book
· ☕ 2 min read
Hands-on Rust is now in print. This page tells you a bit about the book, and the places from which you can buy it. If you know what a variable and a loop are, Hands-on Rust has everything else you need to make learning Rust an enjoyable experience.

Fun With Spherical Simplex Noise
· ☕ 4 min read
Ever wanted to make a noise-based planet, that actually wraps around? This tutorial does just that.

RLTK: Initialization
· ☕ 2 min read
RLTK (Master) now has a nicer builder-based initialization format.